Wenatchee Clinic
Mission Health & Wellness is located at 28 North Wenatchee Avenue, Wenatchee WA 98801; in downtown Wenatchee.
You can schedule medical visits with our physicians and practitioners below.
Call/text us at (509) 885-2664
Fax us at (833) 330-1512
Most insurances are accepted; however, we strongly urge you to check with your insurance provider to confirm coverage. For all cancellations under 48 hours, we charge 50% of the office visit cost. Please call our office to cancel or change any existing appointments (509) 885-2664 or email us at [email protected]
We offer a 20% time of service discount for all non-insured patients
You can schedule medical visits with our physicians and practitioners below.
Call/text us at (509) 885-2664
Fax us at (833) 330-1512
Most insurances are accepted; however, we strongly urge you to check with your insurance provider to confirm coverage. For all cancellations under 48 hours, we charge 50% of the office visit cost. Please call our office to cancel or change any existing appointments (509) 885-2664 or email us at [email protected]
We offer a 20% time of service discount for all non-insured patients
- New Patient Medical Visit: $279
- Return Patient Medical Visit: $149
- Counseling Visits: $149
Patient Portal
Get your labs, treatment plans, contact a physician, and look at billing through your patient portal.